Making Puzzles

It all starts on the computer converting patterns to red lines as they are easier to follow. then deciding how many of each and going thru the wood pile to dry fit.

Cover the wood with clear Duck Brand EasyLiner (easier then blue panters tape).

Sand the wood and wipe with a tack cloth.

Spray 3M Super 77 Multipurpose Adhesive on the liner and back of pattern.

Apply a good coat of 3M Super 77 Multipurpose Adhesive

Cut into individual pieces on the bandsaw.

Sand the back to make sure they are flat

Drill holes where needed.

Now we can start cutting (that is NOT a puzzle) but it does show off my $800+ dust collection system.

Next is the hard part.. remove the pattern from the wood (DO NOT WAIT TOO LONG.. do it as you go)

Sand Front and Back   

Prepare my MAYO boxes before bath time

Bath Time

Restack the pile from top to bottom and dry on shop towels and blow with an air compressor. new liner in the mayo box and let them dry for 2-3 days.

Repeat the bath

finially firgure out price

Print and cut the Price tags

after 2-3 days sand using paper bags and add Price tags


Print price tags and attach

Box them up

Then write up a Consignment inventory sheet

Deliver to the store on Consignment

Next inventory next year

submit a bill

get paid and, adjust the consignment sheet

Start all over.

I love to make people happy with what I make.

You know it is not for the MONEY.

Close to  to braking  even. Maybe a little ahead.

Hardwoods are now costing me over $14.00 a board foot.

blades that only last 30 minutes doing hardwood were about 5 cents now 1.50 on amazon  I buy bulk and get then for 36 cents.






All puzzles are checked for choke hazards

The choke test cylinder has an interior diameter of 1.25 inches and a slanted bottom with a depth of 2.25 inches. It’s about the size of a 3-year-old’s throat.