Puzzles Explore my process for creating puzzles by clicking on this link. 60 photos 8 fun animal puzzles from RBI Industries 2021-10-2916-00-44.JPG 3 Piece Rocking Puzzles Puzzle 3 Piece Frog 3.8 x 3.25 Puzzle 3 Piece Elephant 4.25 x 3.25 Puzzle 3 Piece Pig 5.1 x 3.25 Puzzle 3 Piece Turtle 3.5 x 3.25 Puzzle 3 Piece Dog 4.7 x 3.25 Alpha Snake Pattern by John A. Nelson Puzzle Bear Cubs Puzzle Trex Puzzle Sumba Bus Puzzle Trex Dragon Puzzle Pattern the the REAL John A. Nelson Cherry Dragon Puzzle Pattern the the REAL John A. Nelson Poplar Puzzle Whale Puzzle Camel 3/4" Cherry Pattern by Eric Van Malderen Scrollsaw Woodworking and Crafts #64 3/4" Cherry Pattern by Eric Van Malderen Scrollsaw Woodworking and Crafts #64 1954 VW T1 Samba 3/4" Cherry Pattern by Eric Van Malderen Scrollsaw Woodworking and Crafts #64 Pattern by Eric Malderen Scrollsaw Woodworking & Crafts #63 Rabbit with Babies by Judy and Dave Peterson Red Oak Jesus in Your Heart by Ron MIller Spring 2002-6 SSWS Elephant puzzle 6 Piece 8 Fun Amimal Puzzels by rbiindustries Bear puzzle by Judy and Dave Peterson Red Oak 3 piece elephant puzzle Squirrel by Judy and Dave Peterson cherry 4 1/2 x 5 2012-03-05-----29 2010-04-05-----28 2010-04-05-----27 2010-04-05-----26 2009-08-02-----25 2009-07-28-----24 2009-07-28-----23 2008-02-07-----22 2008-02-07-----21 2008-02-07-----20 2008-02-07-----19 2007-12-15-----18 2007-12-15-----17 2007-12-15-----16 2007-12-15-----15 2007-12-15-----14 2007-12-15-----13 2007-12-12-----12 2007-12-12-----11 2007-12-12-----10 2007-12-12-----09 2007-07-19-----08 2007-07-07-----07 2007-07-07-----06 2007-05-04-----05 2005-05-19-----04 2004-12-05-----03 2004-12-05-----02 2004-12-05-----01